Entries by APsystems

ECU + EMA = a powerful duo for your microinverter array

Module-level monitoring is an essential feature of a microinverter solar array. APsystems offers advanced and user-friendly system monitoring for installers and end users alike. The APsystems Energy Communication Unit is the gateway to our microinverters. An array can be easily configured BEFORE reaching the jobsite, so commissioning is a breeze. And the ECU requires no […]

Olivier Jacques to lead APsystems Europe, Middle East and Africa operations

Olivier Jacques has joined APsystems as Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Europe, Middle East and Africa. He is based in the APsystems branch in Lyon, France. The company also maintains a European office in Netherlands. Jacques brings more than 20 years of experience in construction, industrial and high-tech industries. Prior to joining APsystems, he […]

5 Reasons a String Inverter Won’t Cut It.

Microinverters or string? PV system designers fall into two camps, some favoring big inverters and others moving toward the powerful little boxes that meet each module where the real action is: on the roof. Knowing the limitations of string inverters may tell you just why the Module Level Power Electronics segment – microinverters – is […]

APsystems YC1000 supports electric vehicle charging station at Intel HQ

APsystems microinverters support a hybrid solar/grid-tied electric vehicle charging station at Intel corporate headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif. Powered by APsystems YC1000 true 3-phase microinverters and Suntec 285-watt modules, the 4.2kW solar array supplements the charging station’s grid-tied power. A 45kW storage system by Powin Energy backs up the array, further reducing demands on the […]