100 kW, Ground-Mount system, Armavir region, Armenia
Redinet, leading system integrator in the caucasian region since 2001, chooses APsystems YC1000 microinverters to go solar, bringing them a safer and more productive installation while lowering maintenance costs through advanced module-level monitoring.
Maximizing operational efficiency along the installation process from design to commissioning while ensuring maximum solar harvest with APsystems microinverters solutions have played a key role in the decision to choose APsystems. Having access to an intelligent and intuitive monitoring portal with the EMA is also key, allowing a per module performance view and therefore enabling Redinet to enhance his customer relationship by offering great service with clear preventive and corrective maintenance as needed.
Installer: Redinet
Location: Armavir rerion, Armenia
Capacity:100kw, Grountd Mount systems
Inverter: APsystems YC1000 microinverters
No. of Microinverters: 96