Dear Installer Partners, please register your purchases here
Participating Distributors

The promotion starts at 100 points accumulated - What happens if the installer purchases for a cumulative of 150 points? Is he entitled to another level of gift cards or discounts?
No. Once the installer reaches 100 points, he is eligible for a £450 amazon.co.uk gift card. If he reaches 150 points worth of units purchased, he is still eligible for a £450 gift card, until he reaches 300 points to qualify for a £1500 gift card or 1000 points for £6500 worth of gift cards.
Why start with 100 DS3, 50 QT2 units or 10 APstorage products (ELS 5K or APbattery)?
This promotion is aimed at professional installers, we want to encourage them to carry out several APsystems projects. It is not about encouraging individuals to carry out installations by themselves for their own accounts.
Can the installer mix the purchase of DS3, QT2 and APstorage products to accumulate more points?
YES. 1 DS3 purchased equals 1 point; 1 QT2; 2 points. 1 ELS 5K or 1 APbbaterie equals 10 points. Installers can combine the three to reach more points with a minimum of 100 points to be eligible for a £450 gift card.
How do rewards work?
Amazon vouchers are issued to the installation company or organization using the information provided when registering for the promotion.
Amazon vouchers will be issued electronically through the creation of a unique access code at the end of the promotion in the first half of January 2024 based on the invoices that will be sent to us.
Example: if an installer reaches 200 points in November and 240 points in December.. He will earn £1500 in vouchers for the 300 points accumulated and £450 for the remaining 140 points, reaching a value of £1950 in gift cards in January.
Should the installer install an ECU?
The installation of the ECU and the subsequent registration of the system on the EMA monitoring portal allows us to monitor the progress of the professional’s installation activity and to grant a standard 10-year warranty to the end customer for our microinverters. However, the installer does not have to purchase an ECU to make his purchases eligible for the program since we ask him to provide the invoices for his orders.
Where can the installer go if he has questions?
Installers are invited to refer to the promotion website. They will find the general terms and conditions of the program as well as the participating distributors and a form to register and submit their invoices.
Alternatively, they can contact our sales team or send an email to: emea@APsystems.com.
Is it allowed to buy from different distributors in order to accumulate MicroMania points?
Yes, an installer can purchase from multiple distributors as long as they are explicitly listed as participating in the promotion on the dedicated website.
Terms and conditions – MicroMania campaign – Installer program
The APsystems MicroMania Campaign is a program dedicated to installers. The program begins on November 18, 2024 and expires on December 31, 2024 and is available to new installers as well as existing installers who purchase enough DS3, QT2 Series microinverters or APstorage ELS 5K and APbatteries products through participating channel partners to earn at least 100 points (other products including ECU-R, cables and accessories are not eligible for this promotion) during the promotion period. Participating channel partners are not eligible to receive gift cards or rebates under this program, even if they also install APsystems products. To be eligible for this promotion, installers must have an account in good standing with their distributor. Eligible installers can take advantage of a free technical webinar to learn about APsystems microinverters. Follow the steps outlined on the Support – APsystems EMEA webpage dedicated to installers to learn about and participate in our training schedule.
Program registration
To receive an Amazon.co.uk voucher, installers must register by December 31, 2024 and complete the form on the right. Installers must provide their VAT number to prove they are a registered installer. They must also complete the required information, including their company name, contact information, and distributor name. Finally, we ask that installers attach invoices from their distributors as proof of purchase before submitting the online form. Installers can contact APsystems for more information on training.
Proof of purchase
In order to request a Maslo gift card through the rebate website, installers will need to attach their purchase receipts from participating distributors (listed on this webpage) including the date of purchase. Manual submission of proof of purchase via email or postal mail may delay gift card eligibility. To submit a manual request for reimbursement, send a request to emea@apsystems.com and reference MicroMania Campaign in the subject line of your email.
Amazon Gift Card Codes
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